The channel has struggled through challenging times in recent years. Since the peak of the COVID pandemic, partner confidence dropped to 10-year lows — and understandably so. Record-high inflation drove up operating costs across the board. While businesses maintained their technology spending, they scrutinized decisions more carefully and demanded steeper discounts. Extended sales cycles and diminished margins left little room for optimism.
A shift began in the fourth quarter of 2024, when partner confidence started to improve. Partners expressed growing optimism about their operational capabilities and expansion plans. They showed less concern about external factors like interest rates, inflation, and government economic policy. Most important, they recognized signs that customers were ready to resume more robust spending patterns.
The renewed optimism is evident in the 2025 Channelnomics Channel Forecast report. Partners aren’t just optimistic about their prospects; they’re displaying unprecedented enthusiasm. They anticipate substantial increases in sales revenue and profits, plan to reinvest in their businesses at historically high rates, and are actively pursuing new technologies and service opportunities to align with evolving market dynamics.
The overall channel forecast for 2025 presents encouraging news for both vendors and partners. Partners’ confidence that 2025 will be a landmark year for their businesses signals stronger contributions to their vendors’ growth objectives.
The 2025 Channelnomics Channel Forecast: North America report analyzes survey findings from partners across the region, examining their expectations for sales, revenue, and profitability. The report explores partners’ investment priorities and go-to-market strategies. Vendors can use this report both as a benchmark for measuring partner performance and as a guide to understanding partner trajectories in the coming year.