
Channel Indicators Point to Robust Second Half of 2024

Channel indicators in the Q3 Channelnomics Partner Confidence Index find partners are seeing more opportunities for growth in the second half of 2024 despite mixed macroeconomic indicators.
By Larry Walsh
The past two weeks have been rocky for investors. The wild swings on Wall Street and other financial centers have had economists and pundits wondering whether the U.S. economy is cooling down and a recession is in the offing.
While unemployment is ticking up slightly, inflation is below 3% in the United States for the first time since 2021. Consumer spending — the lifeblood of the U.S. economic engine — remains strong. The indicators are pointing toward the tech sector continuing to see robust spending globally and regionally through the end of the year.
Suffice it to say that the economic indicators are looking up in the United States and much of the developed world, which is buoying p...

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