
ConnectWise Evolves Managed-Service Marketplace

The new ConnectWise Marketplace, an extension of an existing alliance system, enables MSPs to purchase and deploy applications from more than 400 vendors.
By Larry Walsh
The managed-service segment of the channel was built by a handful of companies, likely none more influential or impactful than ConnectWise. The Tampa, Florida-based vendor started as a professional services automation (PSA) software provider, enabling MSPs to manage their businesses more efficiently. Over the years, it has evolved into a Swiss Army knife of managed-service tools, forming the foundation of thousands of MSP businesses worldwide.
It’s that foundation on which ConnectWise is now evolving. The vendor recently unveiled the ConnectWise Marketplace, a digital sales outlet enabling MSPs to review, purchase, and deploy applications from more than 400 vendors. The marketplace quickly connects ConnectWise MSPs with ...

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