
ConnectWise Takes Extraordinary Steps to Contain Security Vulnerability

Beyond issuing a patch to its ScreenConnect application, Connectwise also disabled the licenses of some of its MSPs to prevent hackers from exploiting a security vulnerability.
By Larry Walsh
ConnectWise, one of the leaders in enabling managed service providers with remote management software and tools, disclosed a security vulnerability in its ScreenConnect application that was actively being exploited by hackers. ConnectWise did more than just issue a patch; it also took the extraordinary measure of locking out MSPs that hadn’t updated the software.
In a statement to Channelnomics, ConnectWise confirmed that it had locked out or revoked the licenses of some on-premises ScreenConnect users to prevent their systems from being exploited. “We recalled some on-premises licenses that have not been patched to help protect our partners and their customers,” ConnectWise wrote.
ScreenConnect is ...


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