
Data Reveals That Non-Standard Pricing Is the New Norm in Many Places

But is a desire to win more deals degrading business velocity?
By T.C. Doyle
Channelnomics research reveals that the use of non-standard pricing (NSP) is widespread among vendor organizations. At some companies, more than 80% of deals go through a special bid desk where requests for NSP are reviewed. That’s an astounding percent of business, which begs a question: If more than half of channel deals pass through a non-standard procedure, isn’t the exception really the norm? If so, what are the implications?
NSP is widespread and growing. In fact, it’s requested in 46% of all deals involving channel partners, according to Channelnomics research. Again, that’s more than eight in ten deals involving partners at some vendor organizations.
Channel partners request non-standard pricing for a variety of reasons, but almost all requests invariably boil down to this: Give us more discount so we ca...

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