
Can Working Moms Really Have It ‘All’?

Today’s female channel powerhouses still seek the mythological work-life balance.

Being a mom comes in many forms — traditional or unconventional, biological or adoptive, teen or late-in-life, stay-at-home or working. The list is virtually endless.

A few months ago, a cartoon on LinkedIn encapsulated the working mom’s challenge: It depicted a racetrack with men and women. While the women faced multiple hurdles (laundry and other housework, for example), the men’s lane was clear.

Achieving the idealized work-life balance comes only from understanding your power dynamics at work and home, and out in the world. In these contexts, power isn’t always about calling the shots or wielding a credit card. It’s about setting and maintaining boundaries, being your authentic self, striving for your goals as a working mother, and achieving self-fulfillment.

Are you strong at home but struggle to assert yourself at work? Or do you dominate in the office but feel powerless in your family life? We truly can be different people in different roles, and at different times.

Like it or not, working mothers continue to face myriad challenges, both internal and external.

Take the childcare crisis that continues to escalate. The latest report from Child Care Aware of America, as cited by a CNN article, says that the yearly childcare tab for two children in 2023 exceeded typical annual mortgage payments in 45 states and the District of Columbia.

Then there’s mom guilt, a name given to the feelings of shame experienced by those who don’t live up to their own or others’ expectations of being a parent. This is a real (and heart-wrenching) thing. The only thing that you can do as a mom is remind yourself that you’re a role model for your children. Show them what success, boundaries, balance, power, and health look like. Teach them through your choices.

How does a working mom set her priorities? Does she go on that work trip that takes her away from her child (or children) for four days? How does she set aside enough time for fitness and self-care? There’s no perfect balance; it’s all about a constant exchange of gives and gets.

It’s also important to find reliable allies in the quest for domestic and business success, and to define what exactly constitutes a “good” workplace culture.

Join us for an episode of Changing Channels as Channelnomics VP of Professional Services Bryn Nettesheim talks it all through with three female channel execs — Channel Maven’s Heather K. Margolis, ServiceNow’s Meaghan Sullivan-Moore, and Proofpoint’s Chari Rhoades.

Watch it here.

Channelnomics is a global analyst and research firm that helps technology vendors and service providers fine-tune their channels, win customers, and sharpen their competitive edge. For more information, visit

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