
Open Questions About Ingram Micro’s Cloud-Based Xvantage

The distributor’s sales management platform has numerous features for driving and facilitating channel sales, but several information gaps exist.
NOTE: This analyst note was updated on 3/30/23 to include new information.

By Larry Walsh

Hearing Ingram Micro talk about its relatively new Xvantage platform reminds me of those old ads for Ginsu knives; they can slice, dice, and cut through a steel can and then a tomato without losing their edge. Xvantage is kind of like that in that it purports to have everything vendors and resellers need to sell goods and services faster and with less effort than ever before.

So, what exactly is Xvantage?

Simply put, Xvantage is an AI-enabled sales management platform purpose-built for the channel that mimics the ease of use and feel of consumer e-commerce platforms. Ingram Micro often calls it a “digital twin” of its traditional analog system...

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