Getting Focused on Impactful Partner Communications


Everyone in the channel is talking, but is anyone really communicating? In the latest episode of Channelnomics In the Margins, Larry Walsh and Bryn Nettesheim share a few thoughts on effective and impactful partner communications.

Effective partner communication remains one of the most undervalued yet critical elements of channel management. Many vendors and channel managers mistakenly assume that their communications with partners are effective simply because they’re frequent. But as Walsh and Nettesheim observe, quantity doesn’t equal quality, and overlooking the need for meaningful, targeted communication can lead to erosion of trust and engagement across the channel.

While e-mails, webinars, and meetings are part of routine operations, effective communication means delivering the right message to the right segment at the right time. Many partners have voiced concerns that messaging is often too general, scattered, or buried in portals with minimal accessibility. According to Walsh, partners often interpret this lack of specificity as a sign of indifference or a reflection that vendors don’t truly understand or prioritize their needs.

Moreover, Nettesheim highlights the importance of focusing on “value-based messages.” She emphasizes that without clarity on requirements, expectations, and direction, partners are hesitant to commit resources or align themselves with a vendor’s strategic goals. Such hesitation can cascade into downstream relationships, impacting customer engagement and trust.

Failure to engage in quality communication ultimately means lost opportunities to build transparency and commitment. By refining their approach, vendors can forge stronger partnerships, encouraging a sense of investment and mutual accountability, and building a foundation for long-term collaboration and ecosystem strength.

As Walsh puts it, the takeaway is clear: Prioritize focus and quality over sheer volume. Barrages of generic messages serve little purpose other than to create noise; what partners need are tailored, strategic insights that resonate with their specific roles and expectations.

Join Walsh and Nettesheim as they share insights from Barcelona, Spain, discussing communication strategies that channel managers can use to elevate their partner relationships and create meaningful connections in the channel.