Ted Schuman, founder and CEO of PlanetOne, joins Channelnomics’ Changing Channels host Larry Walsh to discuss how vendors can better leverage data to improve customer experience and communication across the channel.
It’s easy to say we’re living in the data age, and that data is the new fuel of the business engine, but it’s a lot harder to execute on that vision than it seems. Big Data remains one of the biggest challenges many companies face as they seek to collect, manage, normalize, and analyze it to create single points of truth.
Technology vendors are increasingly adopting data-centric models and strategies to drive partner behavior and performance, and to get more value out of the channels in which they invest. Making plans to do all this is the easy part; yielding deliverable results is the challenge.
Even for companies that successfully harness data, making it actionable is a whole different story. That data is essentially useless unless it can be made consumable and broken down in a way customers and partners can understand and capitalize on.
A vendor at the forefront of leveraging data to enhance the customer and partner experience is PlanetOne, which has long been known as a key technology sourcing partner. With Sentient, a scalable business intelligence platform, the company is giving vendors, agents, and customers visibility into the entire sales lifecycle – prospecting, provisioning, project management, activation, etc. – through a single pane of glass.
PlanetOne is using its new platform to ensure the constant availability of real-time data analytics that can be used to generate actionable results according to users’ needs. Through its automation capabilities, Sentient ensures effective internal and external communication to keep customers up to speed and create a positive partner experience.
Ted Schuman, founder and CEO of PlanetOne, joins Channelnomics’ Changing Channels host Larry Walsh to discuss how Sentient is enhancing the human experience and helping customers launch and expand their businesses.