POD2112: D&H’s Jason Bystrak on Monetizing Every Seat With Services
As–a–service isn’t a new concept. Since the early days of managed services, channel pros and practitioners foresaw a day when the tech industry sold and supported all devices, applications, and resources that way. With cloud computing and ubiquitous connectivity, Everything–as–a-Service (XaaS) is a real and growing trend. Nevertheless, the channel – particularly the SMB segment – isn’t addressing what some size as a $390 billion market. D&H Distributing, which focuses largely on SMB partners and market segments, is looking to convert nearly 70 million seats from traditional CapEx hardware sales and software licenses to an end-to-end service-based consumption and support model delivered by solution providers. Jason Bystrak, vice president of the cloud business unit at D&H, joins POD2112 to discuss the massive channel opportunity in XaaS and how vendors and solution providers can participate in the multibillion opportunity.
Jason Bystrak
Vice President, Cloud Business Unit, D&H Distributing
Larry Walsh
CEO & Chief Analyst, The 2112 Group
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