Trend Micro’s Louise McEvoy on Embracing the Reality of Change


Louise McEvoy, vice president of U.S. channels at Trend Micro, joins Channelnomics Changing Channels host Larry Walsh to discuss how channel professionals can change their mindset and embrace the reality of change.

We’ve probably all heard the saying, “the only constant in life is change,” and it’s true. The channel is on the brink of a major transformation. Shifting priorities, digital transformation, and new sources of revenue mean that vendors and partners alike are being forced to re-evaluate their go-to-market strategies. At this pivotal point in time, all channel professionals have the same two options: Buckle up and embrace the ride or risk falling off the bandwagon completely.

There’s no denying that change is difficult. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone without a clear vision of the results can be a risk. But it can be one that’s very much worth taking. Getting stuck in the past allows no room for growth, in the channel or otherwise. Moving forward helps to build endurance, and that can be the determining factor between success and failure in the channel. Building endurance and embracing risk can unleash an exhilarating sense of liberation and pave the way for new opportunities.

A channel leader at the forefront of embracing change is Louise McEvoy. The vice president of U.S. channels at Trend Micro has long been a fierce advocate of getting comfortable with transformation and encouraging others to do the same. Not one to shy away from speaking her mind, McEvoy is no stranger to venturing out of her comfort zone. In 2018, she successfully summited Mount Everest, making a decision to “put aside the pain, acknowledge it’s there, and just keep moving forward.” Since then, McEvoy’s mentality of resilience has been tangible both on and off the mountain.

McEvoy, like other channel leaders, understands there’s a chance of failure when undertaking any new business venture. But fear of failure is not something that prevents her from taking risks. Instead, she dives into every new project by focusing on excelling in the areas she knows she can control. To McEvoy, change is synonymous with opportunity, and it’s this message she hopes to impart to the next generation of tech leaders.

In this edition of Channelnomics’ Changing Channels, McEvoy joins host Larry Walsh to discuss how embracing change and the risk that goes along with it, both in and out of the channel, can lead to unparalleled opportunities for growth.

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