What Channel Women Face in Their Careers


Women face extraordinary challenges in building channel careers and maintaining balance with their home responsibilities, particularly motherhood. In this special edition of Changing Channels, we explore how three channel leaders achieved success.

IT channel women’s unique career challenges include developing skills, gaining experience, and demonstrating their value for advancement in a predominantly male industry, while also balancing motherhood and family responsibilities.

While progress is evident, with more women holding leadership positions and rising through the ranks, midlevel channel professionals continue to face obstacles.

In this episode of Changing Channels, Bryn Nettesheim explores these issues with an expert panel of senior women channel leaders:

• Meaghan Sullivan-Moore, VP of Global Partner Marketing, ServiceNow
• Chari Rhoades, VP of Americas Channel and Partner Sales, Proofpoint
• Heather K. Margolis, CEO and Founder, Channel Maven

Our discussion provides insights and tips for how women in the channel can balance their career and home commitments.